Orang yang berjalan cepat tidak selalu lebih baik dari orang yang berjalan lambat karena pada kenyataannya orang yang berjalan lambat lebih banyak melihat dan memahami setiap langkah yang dilaluinya dibandingkan dengan orang yang berjalan cepat yang hanya mementingkan apa yang ingin dicapai tanpa memahami prosesnya


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UnImportant New Texted

Yaampun udah lama banget nggak ngacak ngacak ni blog, untung belom sampe lumutan atas atasnya noh haha.
Dan gw baru nemu aplikasi blogger for android kemaren, and finally its usefull bangett soalnya udah gak pernah buka pc lagi.
Well, today is 22 desember gak kerasa banget udah mau akhir tahun lagiii..
Yang gw lewatin 2013 yaa lumayan banyak sih lumayan signifikan perubahan yg gw alamin tp gak banyak banyak juga deh, apaa sih..
Tp point nya alhamdulillah 2013 ini lebih baik dari tahun 2012 yang notabene agak agak suram buat gw -__-
Kalo tahun ini, sebenernya lumayan cerah deh ditambah lagi ada new special person in my live hoho males si sebenernya ngomongin dia, takutnya kebaca ntar kege'eran lg ckckc. Tapi gak ngurangin rasa sayang gw ama dia kok, kalo dia ?? gak yakin dah gimana perasaannya ke gw, datar doang kalii haha.
Whatever deh..
Ohya hari ini gw mau nyari sesuatu buat nyokap, refer hari ini katanya hari ibu yah..
Masih bingung mau ngasih apa, mungkin kue ? bunga ?
Sebenernya buat nyogok ibu jg sih abis akhir" ini ngambek mulu katanya gw cuek bgt !! gak ngerti jg dah gw salah mlu.
Okee lanjut next page and next time yaah.

Thanty ^^


Second Day on 2013

             Presently, I wanna tell about something. Yeah, it’s very no important but I want to waste a few of  my bad feelings in my heart now. Actually, this is second day in new year but I still could’n forget everything that happened in last year, 2012, the year which hurt me so much. Sadness, dispointed, hurted moment and etc that made my brain was gonna be stroke haha Lebayy. To be honest, its Really really make me down but I have to receive everything that happened  to me because it’s a given from Allah and I believe that  it’s the best think for my self which is can make my self stronger than  ever. 

             Beside it, I still have a wish on 2013. Yeah it’s same with another people in the while world. Simple and general, that is 2013 must be better than 2012. Really simple but I now that sometimes everyhope is not always appropriate with the fact. But I’ll try to give my best efforts and always smiling with everything in my face, not only a happiness but also a sadness. And than the most important is, if I’m on the bad condition ever in my live, I have my mom beside me and Allah of course. I think that it just a beginning part of my live and I try to walk on my best track to get my passion in the future. 

            I must forget everything that has made my self getting down now. I’ve to set up my mind to the clearly from the enemies in my brain haha. Yeah it need a time and more proccess, but I’ll do it I’ll try it as soon as posibble. I think that every memory in the past can block my track to get something value in my live. And my focus now is I’m trying to get my happiness in the future, not only waiting for it will be comes to me. But I have to make it comes true with my hand (haha it just console my self).